Jumat, 23 Desember 2011

Pandora Bracelets

pandora bracelets

pandora braceletsin this video you will se loads of pandora things like the boxes and charms if your bracelet doesnt come in one of these boxes you know its not a

Pandora Bracelet Full Of Charms

Pandora Bracelet Full of Charms

Pandora Bracelet Full of CharmsMy finished Pandora Bracelet! This was so addicting and fun, I am actually sad that it is full. I hope to get another one to work on someday soon

Kamis, 22 Desember 2011

Discount Pandora Bracelets

Discount Pandora Bracelets

Discount Pandora BraceletsWe sell full Beaded Authentic Pandora Bracelets for Less!

My Pandora Bracelet

My Pandora Bracelet

My Pandora BraceletFelt like filming again and was at a loss as to what to film so thought I would do a video on my Pandora Bracelet. This was a gift for my 18th

Rabu, 21 Desember 2011

My Pandora Bracelet

My Pandora Bracelet

My Pandora BraceletHey there! I've received some requests for an updated look at my Pandora bracelet. If you guys would like to see more of these videos in the

Senin, 19 Desember 2011

My Pandora Bracelet Collection & Meet My Mom!!

My Pandora Bracelet Collection & Meet My Mom!!

My Pandora Bracelet Collection & Meet My Mom!!PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE YOU ASK ANY QUESTIONS!!! This has been a highly requested video, so I hope you guys enjoy it!! I am obsessed with Pandora

Minggu, 18 Desember 2011

My Pandora Bracelet (Oxidized)

My Pandora Bracelet (Oxidized)

My Pandora Bracelet (Oxidized)This is a video describing my oxidized Pandora bracelet and the charms that I have so far. I hope you enjoy watching it. If you have any questions

Kamis, 18 Agustus 2011

Updated Pandora Bracelet

Updated Pandora Bracelet

Updated Pandora BraceletI love Pandora! Kind of blurry.. upload your bracelets and feel free to comment!! :) Thank you for watching.

Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011

Pandora Style Bracelets

Pandora Style Bracelets

Pandora Style Braceletspandorabraceletsleicester.com has a fantastic range of beautiful Pandora Style 925 sterling silver bracelets,beads and charms.If you enjoy the ...

Senin, 15 Agustus 2011

How To Open A Pandora Bracelet

How to Open a Pandora Bracelet

How to Open a Pandora BraceletDemonstrates how to open the clasp on a Pandora bracelet.

Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2011

Sean Lamar's Pandora Bracelet

Sean Lamar's Pandora bracelet

Sean Lamar's Pandora braceletSean explains the charms on his bracelet. LOL!! Check the blog! www.mychangeindirection.com

Jumat, 12 Agustus 2011

My Pandora Bracelet (updated)

My Pandora Bracelet (updated)

My Pandora Bracelet (updated)This is a requested video for an update on my Pandora Bracelet. I've recently added four more charms and again I will keep you updated as I ...

Kamis, 11 Agustus 2011

2010 Jeremy Abbott + Skaters Pandora Bracelet Commercial

2010 Jeremy Abbott + Skaters Pandora Bracelet Commercial

2010 Jeremy Abbott + Skaters Pandora Bracelet CommercialAired during Pandora's Unforgettable Holiday Moments on Ice November 28, 2010. Pandora Jewelry/Bracelet commercial featuring Jeremy Abbott, Yuka ...

Selasa, 09 Agustus 2011

Shontelle's Pandora Bracelet & Advice To Fans

Shontelle's Pandora Bracelet & Advice to Fans

Shontelle's Pandora Bracelet & Advice to FansShort cut from Shontelle's recent interview with DFDTV where she opens up about her Pandora bracelet and what advice she would give fans.

Senin, 08 Agustus 2011

My Updated Pandora Bracelet!

My updated pandora bracelet!

My updated pandora bracelet!Please vote for me here - www.pandora.net Allow the page to completely load with all 5 pictures and then click the thumbs up! Thank you guys!

Minggu, 07 Agustus 2011

925 Sterling Silver Barrel Clasp Leather Pandora Bracelet From Dinodirect.com

925 Sterling Silver Barrel Clasp Leather Pandora Bracelet from Dinodirect.com

925 Sterling Silver Barrel Clasp Leather Pandora Bracelet from Dinodirect.comThe Leather & 925 Sterling Silver Barrel Clasp Bracelet is a great way for you

Sabtu, 06 Agustus 2011

My Pandora Bracelet :)

My Pandora Bracelet :)

My Pandora Bracelet :)Hey!This is my pandora bracelet!!! My friend Jackie: www.youtube.com My friend Sarah: www.youtube.com

How To Make A Pandora Bracelet For A Gift

How to make a Pandora Bracelet for a gift

How to make a Pandora Bracelet for a giftwww.ayliss.com We are family owned business with proper business licence. - We are wholesaler and exporter and we have served thousands of ...

Jumat, 05 Agustus 2011

H8715-925 Sterling Silver Pandora Bracelet

H8715-925 Sterling Silver Pandora Bracelet

H8715-925 Sterling Silver Pandora Braceletwww.gadgettown.com Simple fashion, this Bracelet has a unique design, so that your arm is no longer empty, you can be a gift to your friends, your ...

Rabu, 03 Agustus 2011

Pandora Bracelet Sites Jewelers Clarksville Tennessee

Pandora Bracelet Sites Jewelers Clarksville Tennessee

Pandora Bracelet Sites Jewelers Clarksville TennesseeSites Jewelers 2605 Wilma Rudolph Blvd Clarksville TN 37040 Ph (931) 552-1112 sitesjewelers.com Pandora bracelets, rings and beads are created out ...

Selasa, 02 Agustus 2011

Beading DIY

Beading DIY

Beading DIY

Pandora Bracelets Presented Proudly By Lewis Jewelers

Pandora Bracelets Presented Proudly by Lewis Jewelers

Pandora Bracelets Presented Proudly by Lewis JewelersThis unique, patented bracelet system by Pandora is offered by high end retailers like Lewis Jewelers. The high quality bracelet line with a ...

Senin, 01 Agustus 2011

Updated Pandora Bracelet

updated pandora bracelet

updated pandora braceleti showed you mine, so show me yours :) haha

Minggu, 31 Juli 2011

About PANDORA Bracelets

About PANDORA bracelets

About PANDORA braceletsThis is just a quick video on pandora bracelets if you have any more questions or you would like me to do a video on something just let me know ...

Selasa, 26 Juli 2011

Pandora Bracelet & Necklace Builder - Flash Application

Pandora Bracelet & Necklace Builder - Flash Application

Pandora Bracelet & Necklace Builder - Flash Applicationcest la Vie challenged Superlative with the Pandora Bracelet Builder. The objective was to create an interactive tool where visitors could build a ...

Minggu, 24 Juli 2011

Pandorafreak121's Pandora Bracelets Ft. Her Gummy Bear Frienddss!!!

pandorafreak121's pandora bracelets ft. her gummy bear frienddss!!!

pandorafreak121's pandora bracelets ft. her gummy bear frienddss!!!i am obsessed with pandoras! leave comments about your pandora beads and what they mean to you! i love gummybears! help me find charlie (the ...

Sabtu, 23 Juli 2011

My Pandora Bracelet =]

My Pandora bracelet =]

My Pandora bracelet =]I love it. But it was EXPENSIVE. Google it if you still don't understand.

Rabu, 20 Juli 2011

My New Pandora Bracelet!

my new pandora bracelet!

my new pandora bracelet!im obsessed! www.pandora.net here is my po box, in case you forgot! :) XOCHRISTINE64 11300 Lindbergh Blvd Ste 103 PMB 118 Fort Myers, FL 33913

Selasa, 19 Juli 2011

Minggu, 17 Juli 2011

My Pandora Bracelet!

My Pandora Bracelet!

My Pandora Bracelet!Hey everyone! This is my video on my Pandora bracelet! Hope you guys enjoy and thanks to DivaMeDee for requesting this video! :) Nicole FTC ...

Pandora Charm Bracelet 'Collection'

Pandora Charm Bracelet 'Collection'

Pandora Charm Bracelet 'Collection'This video might not be everyones 'cup of tea' but it was a request so I did it...keep your requests coming Ill try my best to get them done!! tc xxx

Jumat, 15 Juli 2011

How To Build Your Pandora Bracelet Online

How To Build Your Pandora Bracelet Online

How To Build Your Pandora Bracelet OnlineHow to build your Pandora Bracelet. Lewis Jewelers is a jewelry expert and is proud to carry the full line of Pandora Bracelets, Pandora Beads ...

Kamis, 14 Juli 2011

My Pandora Bracelet

My Pandora Bracelet

My Pandora BraceletThe beginning stages of my new Pandora bracelet. As I continue to add more charms, I will make more videos. Thanks for watching!

Rabu, 13 Juli 2011

Pandora Bracelet Review

Pandora Bracelet Review

Pandora Bracelet ReviewI loooooooove this bracelet! I recommend this to everyone! Rose and Leaves- $25 Christian Symbols- $25 Bird- $35 Elephant- $35 Best Friends- $35 ...

Senin, 11 Juli 2011

My Pandora Bracelet And Charms !

My Pandora Bracelet and charms !

My Pandora Bracelet and charms !Heyy everyone this is my pandora bracelet and my pandora and chamilia charms! I hop you guys enjoy this vid.. and expect many more to come on the ...

Pandora Bracelet Ft. Charms

Pandora Bracelet ft. Charms

Pandora Bracelet ft. CharmsMy graduation gift from my aunt that keeps growing and growing!!!

Minggu, 10 Juli 2011

How To Add Charms To A Pandora Bracelet

How to add charms to a Pandora Bracelet

How to add charms to a Pandora BraceletLady Pandora presents how to add charms to a Pandora Bracelet

Sabtu, 09 Juli 2011

Updated Pandora Bracelet & 100 Subscriber Contest!! (Contest Closed)

Updated Pandora Bracelet & 100 Subscriber Contest!! (Contest Closed)

Updated Pandora Bracelet & 100 Subscriber Contest!! (Contest Closed)Hey guys! So to commemorate my 100 subscriber milestone, I have decided to do a giveaway!! One winner will receive a silver Pandora bracelet with ...

Jumat, 08 Juli 2011

Pandora Bracelets From Lewis Jewelers Make Great Gifts

Pandora Bracelets from Lewis Jewelers Make Great Gifts

Pandora Bracelets from Lewis Jewelers Make Great GiftsWith the holidays approaching you want to give a gift that really shows how much you care give Pandora Bracelets from Lewis Jewelers! More than ...